MMM 2024 Archive

2024 Archive of Papers and Posters

Preconference workshop:  Sacha Epskamp- Network Psychometrics in R

Slides for 2024 Conference Presentations:

Alley, L. & Shaw, M. How to register your simulation study: Our lessons learned. Link: preregistrations_D3

Chen, S. M. & Bauer, D. Modeling Construct Change Over Time Amidst Potential Changes in Construct Measurement: A Longitudinal Moderated Factor Analysis Approach. Link:

Devine, S., Falk, C. F., & Fujimoto, K. A. Comparing the Accuracy of Three Predictive Information Criteria for Bayesian Linear Multilevel Model Selection. Link: Devine_Comparing the Accuracy of Three Predictive

Diaz et. al- EDA-graph: Graph Signal Processing of Electrodermal Activity for Emotional States Detection

Falk, C. F., Huang, A., & Ilagan, M. J. Unsupervised Survey Bot Detection: In Search of High Classification Accuracy. Link:

Flake, J. K. Why do reproducibility and replicability of simulation studies matter? Link: Repro and Rep of Sims

Gilbert, J., Miratrix, L, Mridul, J., Domingue, B. Disentangling Person-Dependent and Item-Dependent Causal Effects: Applications of Item Response Theory to the Estimation of Treatment Effect Heterogeneity. Link: Disentangling Person-Dependent and Item-Dependent Causal Effects copy

Hernandez-Torres, J. M., Giraldo-Santiago, N., & McNeish, D. Validation of the Evidence Based Practices Attitude Scale (EBPAS) using Dynamic Fit Index cut-offs. Link: Torres M3 2024 JHT

Hoover, J. C. & Thompson, W. J. Evaluating Bayesian Transition Diagnostic Classification Models for Reporting Within-Year Progress. Link: Hoover tdcm slides M3

Jaffari, F. & Koran, J. Introducing the Deleted One Covariance Residual Measure to Structural Equation Modeling

Li, H. Model Selection of GLMMs in the Analysis of Count Data in SCEDs: A Monte Carlo Simulation. Link: M3_2024_Haoran Li

Li, J., Coffman, D., & Piper, M. E. An Estimation Approach for Time-Varying Effect Models Using Cubic Splines. Link: MMM24_Presentation_Jingwei

McCormick, E. Deriving Models of Change with Interpretable Parameters: Linear Estimation with Nonlinear Inference. Link: m3-2024

Montoya, A. K. Registered reports for simulation studies.

Rafiee, P. & Yang, M. Evaluating the Effect of Change in Cross-Domain Latent Growth Curve Analysis with Missing Data. Link: CD-LGC with Missing at Random Data 2024

Rigdon, E. Understanding Composite-Based Methods via Regression Component Analysis.

Schoemann, A. M., Moore, E. W., Meier, E. M., Reburn, K. L., & Bowler, M. C. Comparing Alternatives to the Three-Form Planned Missing Data Design. Link: Schoemann_M32024_PlannedMiss

Tibbe, T. D. Replicating Simulation Research:  A Case Study Link: 2024_M3_Tristan_Tibbe_Replicating_Simulation_Research_A_Case_Study_Final

Truong, M. & Choi, J. Y. Machine Learning Structural Equation Modeling and Falsificatory Data Analysis. Link

Uanhoro, J. Modeling Misspecification as a Parameter in Bayesian Structural Equation Models. Link: Uanhoro_bsem_fit_m3

2024 Conference Posters:

Bain, C. & Shi, D. Assessing Genetic Algorithms for Variable Selection in Predictive Modeling Based on Classification: Comparing Loss Functions and Internal Models through a Simulation Study. Link: Bain_M3poster_final

Lane Pelton, K. & McCoach, D. B. Exploring Estimates of Multilevel Reliability for School Based Behavioral Measures. Link:  LanePelton.

McCann, C. & Liu, X. Multilevel Mediation with Unmeasured Cluster-Level Confounders: Evaluating Propensity Score Models. Link: McCann M3-Poster

Ofori Aboah, V., Kadir, L., O’Connell, A. A.  Assessing Differential Item Functioning of the PISA 2018 Academic Resilience Scale. Link: Valerie Ofori Aboah_M3 Poster #20

Reyna, K. & Loken, E. Comparing Model Complexity in Item Response Theory Models with Randomly Generated Data. Link: M3 2024 poster – Kirsten Reyna

Truong, M. S., Crone, G., Choi, J. Y. Planting Decision Trees: Human Friendly Interpretation of Monte Carlo Simulations, Multiverse Analyses and Multivariate Posterior Distributions. Link:

Ventura, C. & Loken, E. Response Time Modeling for PISA 2018 Math Items Using the Joint ModelLink: Ventura_Response_Time_M3

Wilberforce, W. G. & O’Connell, A. A. A Methodological Review of Intersectionality in Differential Item Functioning, Issues, and Challenges. Link: Final_I-DIF_M3Poster_Winifred&Ann

Zhang, G., Shi, D., Fairchild, A. J. Understanding the ULS-Based Model Fit Indices. Link: Zhang_ULS Poster

Zhang, G., Shi, D., Fairchild, A. J. A Comparison of Likert vs. Slider Formats in Clinical Assessment. Link: Zhang_Sliders Poster