Intro to Modern Modeling Methods Book

Introduction to Modern Modeling Methods (2022) is now available from Sage. The volume is part of the new SAGE Quantitative Research Kit, an 11 volume set, published by SAGE. book provides an accessible introduction  to Multilevel Modeling (chapters 1-3), Structural Equation Modeling (chapters 4-6), and Growth Curve Modeling, both from an MLM and an SEM framework (chapters 7-8). The book is available from for $34.00 (with free shipping for Prime members.)

This page serves as a resource for the book.  Here you will find notes about corrections, and links to the datasets and syntax used in the book.


  1. In Table 8.15 on page 214, the model fit information for Model 4 is incorrect.  The Chi-square should be 28.246. The CFI is .956, the TLI is .951. The RMSEA is .095. The SRMR is .068. The AIC is -347.20.

LINKS TO DATA for Intro to Modern Modeling Methods:

Chapter 3

Chapter 6

Chapter 8